Results for 'Arthur J. Cunningham'

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  1. Where Hasker’s Anti-Molinist Argument Goes Wrong.Arthur J. Cunningham - 2016 - Faith and Philosophy 33 (2).
    This paper is a response to William Hasker’s “bring about” argument (1999, reiterated in 2011) against the Molinist theory of divine providence. Hasker’s argument rests on his claim that God’s middle knowledge must be regarded as part of the world’s past history; the primary Molinist response has been to resist this claim. This paper argues that even if this claim about middle knowledge is granted, the intended reductio does not go through. In particular, Hasker’s claim about middle knowledge is shown (...)
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    Self-memory biases in explicit and incidental encoding of trait adjectives.David J. Turk, Sheila J. Cunningham & C. Neil Macrae - 2008 - Consciousness and Cognition 17 (3):1040-1045.
    An extensive literature has demonstrated that encoding information in a self-referential manner enhances subsequent memory performance. This ‘self-reference effect’ is generally elicited in paradigms that require participants to evaluate the self-descriptiveness of personality characteristics. Extending work of this kind, the current research explored the possibility that explicit evaluative processing is not a necessary precondition for the emergence of this effect. Rather, responses to self cues may enhance item encoding even in the absence of explicit evaluative instructions. We explored this hypothesis (...)
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    Retrieval independence in recognition and recall.Arthur J. Flexser & Endel Tulving - 1978 - Psychological Review 85 (3):153-171.
  4.  8
    Democratic justice and status inequality in temporary labor migration.Mario J. Cunningham Matamoros - 2025 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 28 (1):81-100.
    This paper argues against the claim that liberal democratic societies’ commitment to political equality requires them to offer a path to citizenship to temporary migrant workers (i.e. the democratic justice argument). I advance two arguments against this claim: (i) that access to citizenship is neither sufficient nor necessary to reduce temporary migrant workers’ exploitation and (ii) the democratic justice argument hinges on an untenable conception of status inequality. The paper fleshes out these two reasons in detail to then present an (...)
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    Dialogical Validity of Religious Measures in Iran: Relationships with Integrative Self-Knowledge and Self-Control of the “Perfect Man”.Zahra Rezazadeh, P. J. Watson, Christopher J. L. Cunningham & Nima Ghorbani - 2011 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 33 (1):93-113.
    According to the ideological surround model of research, a more “objective” psychology of religion requires efforts to bring etic social scientific and emic religious perspectives into formal dialog. This study of 245 Iranian university students illustrated how the dialogical validity of widely used etic measures of religion can be assessed by examining an emic religious perspective on psychology. Integrative Self-Knowledge and Self-Control Scales recorded two aspects of the “Perfect Man” as described by the Iranian Muslim philosopher Mortazā Motahharī. Use of (...)
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    The seasonal structure underlying the arrangement of hexagrams in the yijing.Larry J. Schulz & Thomas J. Cunningham - 1990 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 17 (3):289-313.
  7. Life's worth: the case against assisted suicide.Arthur J. Dyck - 2002 - Grand Rapids, Mich.: William B. Eerdmans Pub. Co..
    But as Harvard ethicist Arthur J. Dyck shows in this powerful work, there are solid moral and practical bases for the existing laws against assisted suicide in ...
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    Nonspecific Medication Side Effects and the Nocebo Phenomenon.Arthur J. Barsky, Ralph Saintfort, Malcolm P. Rogers & Jonathan F. Borus - 2004 - Science and Engineering Ethics 10 (1).
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  9. Animal species and their evolution.Arthur J. Cain & Michael T. Ghiselin - 1994 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 16 (2):355.
  10.  32
    Plane geometry theorem proving using forward chaining.Arthur J. Nevins - 1975 - Artificial Intelligence 6 (1):1-23.
  11.  74
    Knightly virtues : enhancing virtue literacy through stories : research report.J. Arthur, T. Harrison, D. Carr, K. Kristjánsson, I. Davidson, D. Hayes & J. Higgins - unknown
    There is a growing consensus in Britain on the importance of character, and on the belief that the virtues that contribute to good character are part of the solution to many of the challenges facing modern society. Parents, teachers and schools understand the need to teach basic moral virtues to pupils, such as honesty, self-control, fairness, and respect, while fostering behaviour associated with such virtues today. However, until recently, the materials required to help deliver this ambition have been missing in (...)
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    Philosophy: Paradox and Discovery.Arthur J. Minton & Thomas A. Shipka - 1996 - McGraw-Hill Humanities, Social Sciences & World Languages.
    The many adopters of Philosophy: Paradox and Discovery fourth edition by Thomas A. Shipka and Arthur J. Minton, should appreciate the new edition of this popular reader for introductory philosophy courses. Philosophy: Paradox and Discovery presents philosophy as an immediate, vital and challenging process of discovery. The text has been specifically designed to help students evaluate their beliefs on basic issues and to see philosophy as a process of discovering and examining the paradoxes inherent in those issues. The 41 (...)
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    On Human Care: An Introduction to Ethics.Arthur J. Dyck - 1977 - Abingdon Press.
    Examines ethics as a discipline from which knowledge may be derived, which offers guidance for practical understanding and moral decision making, and which underlies methods of effecting such moral decisions.
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    How frequency affects recency judgments: A model for recency discrimination.Arthur J. Flexser & Gordon H. Bower - 1974 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 103 (4):706.
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    Self-reflection and the temporal focus of the wandering mind.Jonathan Smallwood, Jonathan W. Schooler, David J. Turk, Sheila J. Cunningham, Phebe Burns & C. Neil Macrae - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (4):1120-1126.
    Current accounts suggest that self-referential thought serves a pivotal function in the human ability to simulate the future during mind-wandering. Using experience sampling, this hypothesis was tested in two studies that explored the extent to which self-reflection impacts both retrospection and prospection during mind-wandering. Study 1 demonstrated that a brief period of self-reflection yielded a prospective bias during mind-wandering such that participants’ engaged more frequently in spontaneous future than past thought. In Study 2, individual differences in the strength of self-referential (...)
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  16.  75
    My character: enhancing future mindedness in young people: a feasibility study.J. Arthur, T. Harrison, K. Kristjánsson, I. Davidson, D. Hayes & J. Higgins - unknown
    The aim of the My Character project was to develop a better understanding of how interventions designed to develop character might enhance moral formation and futuremindedness in young people. Futuremindedness can be defined as an individual’s capacity to set goals and make plans to achieve them. Establishing goals requires considerable moral reflection, and the achievement of worthwhile aims requires character traits such as courage and the capacity to delay gratification. The research team developed two new educational interventions – a website (...)
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    Further evidence regarding instructional effects on frequency judgments.Arthur J. Flexser & Gordon H. Bower - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 6 (3):321-324.
  18.  46
    The proletarian journalist: A critique of professionalism.Arthur J. Kaul - 1986 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 1 (2):47 – 55.
    Proletarian journalists are ?professionals?; in America's news factories. Their ?conversion downward?; took place over several ?long waves?; of capitalist development that linked commerce to ideology and legitimated marketplace practices. ?Independence,?; ?objectivity,?; and ?social responsibility?; emerged as ideological corollaries of commercial strategies deployed to stabilize marketplace crises and class conflicts within journalism.
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  19. The empathic emotions and self-love in Bishop Joseph Butler and the neurosciences.Arthur J. Dyck & Carlos Padilla - 2009 - Journal of Religious Ethics 37 (4):577-612.
    In Joseph Butler, we have an account of human beings as moral beings that is, as this essay demonstrates, being supported by the recently emerging findings of the neurosciences. This applies particularly to Butler's portrayal of our empathic emotions. Butler discovered their moral significance for motivating and guiding moral decisions and actions before the neurosciences did. Butler has, in essence, added a sixth sense to our five senses: this is the moral sense by means of which we perceive what we (...)
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    Baudrillard's America: Lost in the Ultimate Simulacrum.Arthur J. Vidich - 1991 - Theory, Culture and Society 8 (2):135-144.
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    A Unified Theory of Virtue and Obligation.Arthur J. Dyck - 1973 - Journal of Religious Ethics 1:37-52.
    Contemporary moral philosophy tends to equate what is moral with what is obligatory. Hence, there is a tendency to exclude all virtues from what is moral because they are dispositions other than the one morally good disposition to fulfill obligations out of a sense of obligation. This has the effect of excluding much of what we admire about persons from moral philosophy and from the moral life. This essay argues that there are at least two virtues, both forms of love, (...)
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  22.  57
    Comment.Arthur J. Dyck - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (2):375-393.
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    The diffusion (nt, mobility and lifetime of minority carriers in germanium containing parallel arrays of dislocations.J. B. Arthur, A. F. Gibson, J. W. Granvtlle & E. G. S. Paige - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (33):940-949.
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    Assessing the Preparedness of Research Integrity Officers (RIOs) to Appropriately Handle Possible Research Misconduct Cases.Arthur J. Bonito, Sandra L. Titus & David E. Wright - 2012 - Science and Engineering Ethics 18 (4):605-619.
    Institutions receiving federal funding for research from the U.S.Public Health Service need to have policies and procedures to both prevent research misconduct and to adjudicate it when it occurs. The person who is designated to handle research misconduct is typically referred to as the research integrity officer (RIO). In this interview study we report on 79 RIOs who describe how they would handle allegations of research misconduct. Their responses were compared to two expert RIOs. The responses to the allegations in (...)
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  25.  13
    Individual Autonomy, Law, and Technology: Should Soft Determinism Guide Legal Analysis?Arthur J. Cockfield - 2010 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 30 (1):4-8.
    How one thinks about the relationship between individual autonomy (sometimes referred to as individual willpower or human agency) and technology can influence the way legal thinkers develop policy at the intersection of law and technology. Perspectives that fall toward the `machines control us' end of the spectrum may support more interventionist legal policies while those who identify more closely with the `we are in charge of machines' position may refuse to interfere with technological developments. The concept of soft determinism charts (...)
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    The memorable invention of the death of Jesus.Arthur J. Dewey - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-8.
    The death story of Jesus of Nazareth has traditionally been understood as a matter of historical fact. The various versions of the story would seem to confirm a documented death scene. Nevertheless, critical appraisals of this material have raised numerous questions regarding the passion story. This article considers how the very structure of the story is a vital clue to the way in which the death of Jesus was invented. The Jewish tale of the suffering and vindication of the innocent (...)
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    Reflections on faith as the geography of God.Arthur J. Dibden - 1958 - Journal of Philosophy 55 (13):546-555.
  28. I = awareness.Arthur J. Diekman - 1996 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 3 (4):350-356.
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    Maerten van Heemskerck's Collection Imagery in the Netherlandish Pictorial Memory.Arthur J. DiFuria - 2010 - Intellectual History Review 20 (1):27-51.
    In several of the 100?plus drawings that Haarlem artist Maerten van Heemskerck made while he was in Rome in the 1530s, he depicts the sculpture collections he visited in the Vatican, on the Capitoline and in the cortili and gardens of numerous Roman palaces. This is some of the earliest Northern ?collection imagery?, and the collection environment commands as much of his pictorial attention as the sculptures themselves. The central argument of the essay is that van Heemskerck?s novel images related (...)
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    An Ethical Analysis of Population Policy Alternatives.Arthur J. Dyck - 1977 - The Monist 60 (1):29-46.
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    Achieving Justice in the U.S. Healthcare System: Mercy is Sustainable; the Insatiable Thirst for Profit is Not.Arthur J. Dyck - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This book focuses on justice and its demands in the way of providing people with medical care. Building on recent insights on the nature of moral perceptions and motivations from the neurosciences, it makes a case for the traditional medical ethic and examines its financial feasibility. The book starts out by giving an account of the concept of justice and tracing it back to the practices and tenets of Hippocrates and his followers, while taking into account findings from the neurosciences. (...)
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    Christian ethics in the twenty-first century: New directions.Arthur J. Dyck - 2009 - Journal of Religious Ethics 37 (4):565-575.
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    Grounding Human Rights.Arthur J. Dyck - 1986 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 6:65-92.
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    Loving Impartiality in Moral Cognition.Arthur J. Dyck - 1989 - The Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 9:55-72.
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    Moral Requiredness: Bridging the Gap between "Ought" and "Is": Part II.Arthur J. Dyck - 1981 - Journal of Religious Ethics 9 (1):131 - 150.
    Part I of this essay described "Ought" and "Value" as forms of moral requiredness. Now in Part II, a description of the ideal conditions for veridical perceptions of moral requiredness are specified. This is done in the form of an ideal observer type of analysis. This analysis is defended against those who oppose naturalism by assuming a bifurcation between 'ought' and 'is' and those who accuse naturalism of a "naturalistic fallacy." It is argued that theistic versions of the ideal observer (...)
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    Moral Requiredness: Bridging the Gap between "Ought" and "Is": Part I.Arthur J. Dyck - 1978 - Journal of Religious Ethics 6 (2):293 - 318.
    This is the first of two essays concerned to specify in what sense "ought" and "value" are genuine characteristics of reality serving as data that help us empirically verify the truth and falsity of our moral judgments. This, the first, essay discusses the significance of the ought/is question for moral philosophy and theological ethics, giving reasons for the inadequacy of current views on the relation between "ought" and "is." Building on the perceptual theories of Gestalt psychologists yields a phenomenological description (...)
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  37.  18
    Procreative Rights and Population Policy.Arthur J. Dyck - 1973 - The Hastings Center Studies 1 (1):74.
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    Rethinking Rights, Preserving Community: How My Mind Has Changed.Arthur J. Dyck - 1997 - Journal of Religious Ethics 25 (1):3 - 14.
    Just below the surface of public life in the United States, a biblically based theory of rights vies with a theory that first appeared in the work of Bentham and Mill, and the latter is gaining increasing dominance. The resolution of this conflict has implications for a host of legal matters and public policy decisions, including life and death issues like physician-assisted suicide. Though the ascendancy of the Millian tradition reflects widespread skepticism concerning the possibility of developing a basis for (...)
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    On the Linear Script of Knossos.Arthur J. Evans - 1905 - The Classical Review 19 (03):187-.
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    Environmental Ethics and the Question of Cosmic Purpose.Arthur J. Fabel - 1994 - Environmental Ethics 16 (3):303-314.
    In the context of the earlier views of John Haught, I discuss the paradox that while environmental philosophers seek a viable ethics, advocates of the majority view, scientific materialism, deny an intrinsic value to nature. I argue that a new science, just now arising, may set aside this pessimistic view, replacing it with a conception of the cosmos as a self-organizing genesis. Its method is holistic and integrative rather than analytical and divisive. After a survey of its overall outlines, I (...)
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    Homogenizing the 2 × 2 contingency table: A method for removing dependencies due to subject and item differences.Arthur J. Flexser - 1981 - Psychological Review 88 (4):327-339.
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    Recognition-failure constraints and the average maximum.Arthur J. Flexser & Endel Tulving - 1993 - Psychological Review 100 (1):149-153.
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  43. Diurnal variations in memory and association.Arthur J. Gates - 1917 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 83:99-99.
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  44. Variations in efficiency during the day, together with practise effects, sex differences, and correlations.Arthur J. Gates - 1917 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 83:98-99.
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    The Search for Peace.Arthur J. Goldberg - 1966 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 41 (1):45-51.
  46.  63
    The Game of the Laws.Arthur J. Jacobson - 1999 - Political Theory 27 (6):769-788.
  47.  42
    Redeeming modernity: Contradictions in media criticism (book).Arthur J. Kaul - 1991 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 6 (3):191 – 193.
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    (1 other version)Philosophy in Post-War Reconstruction.Arthur J. Kelly - 1943 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 19 (6):17-26.
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  49. Education: Bridging Past, Present, and Future.Arthur J. Lewis - 1981 - Journal of Thought 16 (3):61-71.
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    Choosing a Treatment for Breast Cancer.Arthur J. Matas - 1980 - Hastings Center Report 10 (6):46-46.
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